Motivik RSS
Motivik: Death of the Gunman
Well we made it to the end of the year, and what a crazy year it has been. Aside from all the craziness, Roxx Records still kept the music coming with almost 40 new releases this year. Many of which have been brand new artists and brand new music. And we are not quite done yet…. Roxx Records is excited to announce our last full release for 2020 the brand new release from Atlanta’s very own Motivik. How do you say Motivik? (MOE-TEE-VICK) what does Motivik mean? Motivik is derived from the word Motive. And what is the Motive of...
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- #nolifetilmetalrecords
- AfterWinter
- Amongst The Wolves
- Biogenesis
- Black Widow
- Christian Metal Distro
- Dissident Voices
- Don't Want None
- Fear Not
- Feminazi
- For The Wounded Heart
- Heat Strokes
- Heathen's Rage
- Helix
- Knights At Switlik
- Lordchain
- Lovewar
- Lust Control
- Mass
- Metallum Evangel II
- Motivik
- N.O.G.
- No Life Til Metal Records
- No Other God
- One More Day
- Place Of Skulls
- Rage Days
- Rainforce
- Record Store Day
- Red Ink
- Red Sea
- Reign of Glory
- Ritual Servant
- Rock and Roll
- Roxx 100 Series
- Roxx Records
- Sanguinary Vivification
- Seven Trumpets
- Sovereign Cross
- Sundroad
- Take It By Storm
- The Illustrated History Of Heathen's Rage
- Traxter
- True Strength
- Veil Of Deception
- Weapons Of God